Chinese Traditional Landscape Paintings

Music out of the Tranquil Valley
by Ding Jianhong (136x68 cm)
The Chinese have a longstanding passion for landscape painting. The tradional technique uses large sheets of strong, white paper. Black ink is mixed with water. With each dip of the brush, the artist progresses from heavy lines to light. No preliminary pattern is drawn on the paper; the artist simply begins painting. After the ink dries, the paper is turned over. A wash of watercolor is applied to the back side, so the wash doesn't run the ink. Then the painting is mounted on a stiffer paper and bordered with silk. It is either framed in wood or fixed like a scroll for easy transport.

Landscape paintings can be quite large. A standard "small" size is 69x69 cm. Other typical sizes are 98x198, 132x240, and 136x68. The painting "Seeing Mountains in Dream" is a series of panels; the full size is 945x180 cm (31'x5'10"). Many of the images on this webpage have been cropped severely in order to fit them into a "thumbnail" format.

Artists featured on this webpage:
   Ding Jianghong
   Cai Yinlong

Ding Jianhong

Ding Jianhong is a nationally-recognized painter of traditional Chinese landscapes. He lives in Xiangtan, Hunan. His biography states that he is an expert at "mountain-and-water painting in traditional and creative techniques. His artistic language is plain, emotional, and profound, from which we can sense his understanding of nature, society, and life."
The images shown here were scanned from the book, Painting Collections of Accomplished Chinese Trans-century Artists: Ding Jianhong, China Arts Association, Dec. 1999, ISBN 7-5314-2419-3 / J-1435.

Charm of the Stream
Quiet Village
Quiet Village
Small Scene
in Deghang
Endless Path on
Cloud-enveloped Mountain
Beautiful Scenery
of XiJiang River
Beautiful Scenery
of XiJiang River
Autumn Scenery of
River and Village
Mountains in Green
Spring Scenery of
Stream and Mountain
Spring Scenery of
Stream and Mountain
Green Mountains
and Far River
Village of the Dongs
Surrounded by Stream
"Holy Water" Pavilion
on Mount Ermei
Spring Morning Scene of
a Village of the Dongs
Landscape of
River and Mountain
Village of the Dongs
Surrounded by Stream

Cai Yinlong

Cai Yinlong is a promising young painter of Chinese landscapes, in both traditional and creative techniques. He is described as a man who "never feels contented with repeating what the ancient artists have done or describing the landscape directly... Owing to his good nature, he is capable of understanding nature thoroughly, discovering the beautiful in it and creating emotionalism in his work."
The images shown here were scanned from the book, Painting Collections of Chinese Artists: Cai Yinlong, 2000, ISBN 7-102-02221-2.

Seeing Mountains
in Dream
Village Scene
in the Dusk
Mountains Clean
in the Depth
Scenery of
an Old Town
Yuanjiang River in
the Morning Sunlight
Clear Day
Egrets Flying
Sun Rising from behind
the Chilly Mountain

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All paintings on this web page have been copyrighted. Viewers are free to copy or distribute these images for personal use, but credit must be given to the artist. Commercial use without written permission of the artist is prohibited.
All images have been cropped, resampled to 800x600 pixels, and stored in JPG format.
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